Reminder: Facility pass and waiver required for entrance

Coach in Training Program

The Coach in Training (CIT) Program offers aspiring coaches the chance to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to become excellent sport leaders. CITs begin by exploring their coaching philosophy through mentor discussion, observation, and reflection. Over time, CITs will develop an understanding of how to build rapport with younger athletes, assist with dynamic gameplay, and maintain an organized training space.

Program Goals:

  1. CITs will develop a coaching philosophy and identify which coaching style(s) fit them best at this point in their coaching journey.

  2. CITs will learn and practice the basics of various sports including soccer, basketball, dek hockey, field hockey, dodgeball, flag football, volleyball, etc.

  3. CITs will learn and practice coaching skills including leadership, conflict resolution, giving and receiving feedback, motivation, communication, etc.

Time Commitment for Summer Camp:

CITs are asked to make a 4 week time commitment (these weeks do not need to be consecutive but must be completed within the 2024 summer).

Our camp days begin at 9am and end at 3pm. CITs are asked to remain at camp for a minimum of 4 hours each day to ensure there are enough opportunities for skill development and growth.

 *We do not take CITs for less than 4 weeks.

Time Commitment for the Year-Round CIT Program:

CITs are asked to join us for at least 6 weeks of an 8-week sport session. We also understand that CIT's are athletes too and may need to take a season off to focus on their own sports!

Program Fee: free for 2024

Deadline for Summer Camp: Positions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis through May 1, 2024. Late applications will be assessed at the discretion of the General Manager, Youth Programs Director, and/or Summer Camp Director.

Deadline for the Year-Round CIT Program: This program has rolling-admission. Positions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis at the discretion of our Regional Manager for Youth Programs.

For more information, please stop by the facility or text/call us today, (301) 838-4455!

Fill With Coach info



League Rules

General Rules

  • Conduct within the facility and on the field should be within the spirit of good sportsmanship.
  • Individuals utilizing this facility do so at their own risk. The property owner(s), league operators, officers and owners and staff of Rockville SportsPlex assume no liability for any injuries or accidents, which may occur. Please refer to your Liability and Injury Waiver Release Forms.
  • No individual will be allowed to participate in any league games, practice session, tournament, clinic, open pick-up game, or other activities until a release form has been properly completed and signed. The facility waiver can be signed online or in print form.
  • No food, drink, chewing tobacco, chewing gum, or metal cleats permitted on turf playing surface. No sunflower seeds or similar type products are permitted in the facility. No glass containers on the field or in the player boxes.
  • No Spitting
  • If games are canceled due to weather-related cancellations, Rockville Sportsplex will not make those games up. There are no refunds or credits. Games will end in a 0-0 tie
  • Rockville SportsPlex reserves the right to refuse play or service to anyone.
  • Any fighting will result in permanent banishment from the facility.

Team Registration

A non-refundable deposit of $200 is required to register a team. Those teams already participating in leagues receive priority over new teams when registering for the next session. However, teams playing in current sessions must register and submit a non-refundable deposit at least six weeks prior to the next session’s starting date in order to guarantee themselves a spot in the next session.

Once the six-week deadline has passed, registration will be open to all teams that wish to play and the league will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. This policy only applies to teams that wish to continue playing in the same league. Any team not participating in a current league may be placed on a waiting list until 20 days before the next session when registration opens up to all teams that wish to play. By registering into a league you agree to be enrolled in auto-pay. Full payment is due before the first game. Your card will be changed the remaining balance the day of your first game if payment is not received before then. If the charge does not go through you will not be scheduled for any additional games until payment is received. If payment is not made we will not refund the deposit or any of the money paid towards the team balance.

All members of a team are jointly responsible for the full payment of the team fee; however, it is the team captain who is ultimately held responsible in the case of overdue, unpaid balances.

All registered participants must be born in the year provided on the registration link or younger.  In addition, you may have up to 2 coaches on the bench without going over the player limit.

Team Managers

Team managers are the representative for the team and are responsible for passing on any information that Rockville SportsPlex needs to communicate to each team. The team manager is also responsible for seeing that all team fees are paid on time and ensuring that his or her team is aware of the rules of the game as well as Rockville SportsPlex rules and policies.


Individuals that sign up will be placed in a Rockville SportsPlex database where other teams may contact you to recruit you for their team. If you still are not on a team, the Rockville SportsPlex will create a team from all the individuals in the database if enough players are available.


Teams are required to have matching uniforms with numbers. A “uniform” is defined by matching colored  shirts. Rubber molded cleats, turf shoes, and tennis shoes are allowed. Shin guards are required for all leagues.

Team Rosters

Team rosters must be turned in prior to the first league game. Additions and or changes will be permitted prior to the third game. All rosters must be finalized prior to the third game. Only rostered players that have played a minimum of 2 regular season games can play in the playoffs. All registered participants must be born in the year provided on the registration link or younger. In addition, you may have up to 2 coaches on the bench without going over the player limit.

At the discretion of management, a team may claim hardship and add one player after the third game. A player may only be added after the third game if an unforeseen circumstance occurs such as but not limited to injury or relocation and a rostered player is unable to play for the remainder of the session. Proof of hardship must be provided in writing. Examples include a doctor’s note and employment acceptance letter. Any player on a roster that is found to be illegal must leave the field immediately. It is the responsibility of the manager of the team to know which players are legal or illegal.  All players must have a valid and updated membership in order to play and be on the roster for the team they wish to play for. Management reserves the right to check the identifications of any player on a player roster to check and see if they are legal players under management guidelines. 

This must be done before the beginning of the second half. Roster checks will be conducted for all playoffs and championship games upon the team captain/manager’s request. 

Official Games

A game is considered “official” after one completed half of play. If there is an injury or other unforeseen circumstance such as a power outage, the current score will stand as official once a half has been played.

Forfeits & Make-Up Games Forfeits:

Team captains must call or email the Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville to inform them of the forfeit (players cannot cancel a game, only the team captain). The SportsPlex will then notify the other team. If a team shows up to play and the opposing team does not show up, then the team present will win by forfeit. In the case of a forfeited game, players from the teams are normally allowed to use the field, to practice, scrimmage, etc. However, Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville reserves the right to use the field, at that time, for other activities at the discretion of management. Forfeiture will be incurred if a team has failed to field the minimum number of players (4 rostered player minimum) within ten minutes from the start of the game clock. 

If at any point during the game  a team cannot field 4 rostered players, the team will forfeit. This includes playing down due to yellow cards, red cards, or injuries. Teams incurring forfeitures during a session may not be allowed to play in subsequent sessions. A game clock will not stop once it has started, and it will not be reset if a team shows up late. Any team no show will result in a 3-0 victory for the opposing team and no rescheduled game will be given. If a team needs to forfeit the team will need to notify the SportsPlex of the forfeit 2 hours before the game is to start and if no notice is given the team will incur a $20 fine. If a team forfeits three times in one season, they’ll be pulled from the league, all money paid will be lost, and the team will have to pay in full at the time of registration for all future leagues. The facility must be notified if your team is planning on forfeiting. We reserve the right to impose a $50 fine for any team that intentionally forfeits without notifying the facility in advance of your scheduled game.

If a team is unable to play a scheduled game, the opposing team may choose to accept a 3-0 forfeit. If both teams agree to a make-up, they will be offered possible times from the facility management office. It will be the team manager’s responsibility to coordinate and select one of the available times and confirm the new game time. Failure to do so will result in the game being forfeited. The Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville is not responsible for teams that neglect this rule and fail to notify the opposing team that they are not going to make a scheduled game. Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville does not guarantee that all rescheduling requests will be honored.

  1. Call and Email the Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville to inform the facility of the forfeited game.
  1. The team requesting the makeup must pay a $20 fee to cover the cost of the referee. The referee fee must be paid at the time of the rescheduling.


Individuals are expected to play under control and within the rules of the game, and to the best of their ability avoiding the causing of injury to themselves and other persons using the facility.


Referees appointed to each game have complete authority on the field of play, and their decisions on points of fact connected with the game are final. Officiating will be monitored and assessed periodically and management will always try to provide quality officiating at the facility. Constructive comments regarding officiating are welcome and encouraged. Please submit any such comments in writing via email or stop by the front desk and ask for a game evaluation form. Complaints regarding officials should be submitted in writing via email. Please include the game date, time, and field number, and have your name and the name of your team at the top. Teams are asked not to discuss the officiating in a game immediately following their game. The commissioner will take seriously all complaints written 24 hours after a game. The staff will not take serious complaints directed at him/her immediately following a game, verbal or written. The commissioner will not overturn any calls made by the referee during the course of a game. If a team suspects an illegal player or other illegal activity associated with other teams, they should inform the staff immediately. If this activity is discovered after the game is completed, the team should file a formal protest to the commissioner. Please read our rules above to understand how to file a formal protest. Do not discuss officiating or the officials with the facility staff during or immediately after your game.


The Rules below are either substituted for or supplemental to FIFA soccer rules. Any situations not covered below fall under the jurisdiction of FIFA.


Game Length: Two 20-minute periods with a 2-minute warm-up time before their first half and a 2-minute half time before the second half. The time clock WILL NOT be stopped if teams are not ready at the start of the game or at the second half.

Warm-Up Area

Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville does not guarantee any areas for teams to warm-up prior to their games. Teams will have approximately two minutes to warm-up prior to the start of the game. There is no guarantee that these two minutes will be available. If the training area is available, teams may use this to warm up. The training area is a privilege not a right. If classes or a rental, etc., is being conducted on the training area, teams must stay off. Any team that disrupts these activities may be escorted out of the building and their season forfeited.

Levels of Competition

Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville reserves the right to determine if a player is considered too advanced for a given division and remove the individual from the team roster. This is done in the spirit of maintaining parity in a given division. We reserve the right to move teams up or down a division each season. Our goal is to create the most competitive divisions possible each season. Players may participate in more than one division and league.


The maximum roster size will be 14 players. A roster size may be larger only under certain circumstances with a Manager’s approval. A team may only use 2 guest players per game and team is to notify the facility of those guest players no less than 30 minutes prior to start time of their game. If the team is not paid in full, guest players will be subjected to a $10 charge to be paid before the game and will not be able to play or be on the field till the fee is paid. Guest players ARE NOT permitted on playoffs or championship games. Teams play 6 v 6 in U-11 through U-18 and 7 v 7 U-10 and younger. Teams may not have more than 9 players/coaches on the bench at any given time (8 players and 1 coach or 7 players and 2 coaches). Only rostered players may enter the game after the completion of the first half. No guest players can join a game after halftime. Roster checks must be done prior to the start of the second half. The Team Manager must request the roster check at the front desk of the facility.

Guest Players

All youth teams are allowed guest players as outlined in the above rules (Under Roster). Guest players may not be rostered on another team in the same league. Guest players can be rostered in other leagues if the player is playing at the appropriate level. Teams violating any of the general rules regarding guest players may result in a forfeit for their game. Any team playing for the division championship (Play-off games) will not be allowed to use any guest players for that game. All players who play in the play-off and championship game must be on their team’s original roster from the start of the season.


The home team (the first team on the schedule) will defend the goal furthest from the scoreboard and the visitors will kick-off the first half. The visitors will defend the goal under the scoreboard and the home team will kick-off the second half. The kickoff can go backwards. A goal can be scored directly on a kickoff.


Substitutions are free and unlimited as long as such substitutions do not interfere with the flow of the game. All substitutions must happen along the team’s sideline. Furthermore, each and every substitution must wait until the player they are substituting for is off the field before they can enter. Teams that violate this rule will be given a warning for having too many players on the field by the referee. If a team has been warned but continues to ignore this rule, then the referee will award a direct kick to the opposing team from the point of infraction. The referee has the right to award a yellow card if teams continue to ignore this rule. Any team that continues to make illegal substitutions after the opposing team is awarded a free kick will be given a team yellow card. Teams may substitute for the goalkeeper during play. The referee should be notified of a change in a goalkeeper. Play will stop for goalkeeper substitution at the referee’s discretion. Penalty for failure to notify officials of keeper substitution will result in a loss of possession.

Out of Bounds

The ball is in play throughout the arena, including the walls, side netting and the netting behind the goal. Any ball touching the ceiling netting or entering a team box is considered out of bounds and a kick will be awarded to the team that did not last touch the ball. 

The ball will be placed directly below or the spot closest to where the ball touched the netting or went out or just outside the goalie box if the ball touches the ceiling net inside the goalie box.

Free Kicks

On all free kicks, the defensive team must remain ten feet from the ball until the ball is kicked. After the ball has been placed, the defensive team must retreat (within three seconds) ten feet from the ball. Repeated failure to retreat or failure to retreat after the initial request by the kicker or official is encroachment, and the referee may award that player a yellow card for more egregious offenses. Only one whistle will be sounded for free kicks. Failure to take such a kick within five seconds results in a turnover of possession where the opposing team will take the free kick from the same spot.

Penalty Kicks / Misc Rules

Slide Tackling:
Slide tackling is not allowed. The referee may award a card, depending on the aggressiveness of the infraction.

Center Line Rule:
The center-line rule is in effect whenever the keeper is in possession of the ball with his/her/their hands. Prior to crossing the centerline, 

the distributed ball must first touch the floor outside of the box, a side wall, a teammate, or an opposing player. The center line rule will apply to drop-kicks as well throws by the keeper. If the ball crosses the center line without touching one of the above, a violation results in a direct free kick from the center line. If the keeper dribbles the ball outside of the box, the center line rule no longer applies.

Penalty Kicks:
Penalty kicks shall be taken from the penalty area near the top of the keeper box. The keeper must stand with feet on the goal line until the kick is taken. When the whistle is blown, the kicker has 5 seconds to make his/her/their direct kick. If a player does not kick the ball within 5 seconds, then the penalty kick will be taken away and the defense will obtain possession of the ball.  The player taking the penalty kick may take as many steps as desired.

After gaining possession of a ball, the goalkeeper must release it within five seconds. The goalkeeper may not pick up a ball that has been intentionally passed to him by a teammate off that teammate’s foot. Any goalkeeper infraction results in a free kick awarded to the opponents at the 30-foot mark. If there is obstruction or inadvertent charging committed against the goalkeeper, the referee will award a free kick. Violent or serious foul play against the goalkeeper may result in a yellow or red card.

Yellow and Red Cards:
All cards given by referees are final and are not subject to protest.

Yellow Card Policy: 

Any player who receives a yellow card will be sent off for a two-minute penalty. The team of that carded player shall play a person down for the duration of those two minutes. If a team receives a team yellow card, the manager shall pull one player off the field to serve the mandatory two-minute penalty. The referee shall keep track of the two-minute penalty and inform the penalized team when the penalty is completed, at which time the team shall play at full strength.

Red Card Policy: 

Any player that receives a red card shall be sent completely off the playing area and shall not return. If a player receives a yellow card and receives a second yellow card or a red card while on the bench serving the two-minute penalty, the team shall play the rest of the game a player down. Any player that is red carded for their conduct on the bench shall be sent completely off the playing area and shall not return. The team does not play down a person. If a team receives a team red card, the manager shall pull one player off the field and the team shall play the rest of the game one player down. A player or coach that is red carded during or after a game by a referee will automatically be suspended for the next game of the league in which they received the red card.  In addition, the player will be banned from playing on any other team until the suspension has been served. In the case of a double header, if a player is red carded during their first game of the night, they must sit out their next game. The suspension is then considered served. However, if a player is red carded in the second game of the night, they must serve the one-week suspension as outlined above. If a player is ejected in the last game of a session (he/she/they) will be prohibited from playing in the first game after he/she/they registers for another session. Any team that causes a game to be called by the referee before time has expired due to unsportsmanlike conduct or extremely unsafe play, shall forfeit that game. Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY toward fighting. Anyone fighting will be ejected and they will be banned from the facility permanently. 

This means that said player cannot participate or spectate at the SportsPlex ever again.

  • A player or coach red carded for the offense of “foul and abusive language” will be suspended as outlined above.
  • A player red carded for the offense of “persistent infraction of the rules” or receiving a second yellow card will be suspended as outlined above.
  • A player or coach red carded for the offense of “violent conduct” (including, but not limited to: spitting, threatening, continued rough play, etc.) will be suspended as outlined above and, in addition, will be suspended for one additional game and subject to further disciplinary action as decided by the facility management.
  • A player or coach red carded for “assaulting an official” will automatically be suspended from any further activities at the Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville.
  • Should a coach of a team be unable to control a player’s actions after a red card is issued, the coach will also be suspended as outlined above.
  • A player jumping from the player box onto the field to break up or participate in a fight will automatically be ejected from the game and will be subject to the same penalties as outlined above.
  • A $100 bond will be required from any team involved in an altercation where more than one player is involved in a fight. Should a bond be placed against a team, the bond must be paid prior to the team’s next game, or that game will be forfeited. The terms of the bond will be given in writing to the team. Should the team fail to adhere to the terms, the bond will be forfeited to the arena and the team’s participation will be terminated. If the team adheres to the terms of the bond, then the team will receive the $100 bond at the end of the session.
  • It is the responsibility of each player and the player’s team representative to be aware of the total status of their player’s infractions. Failure to comply may result in further disciplinary measures which may include suspension of the coach/rep. and forfeiture of games in which that player participated.

Red Cards are a serious offense any player who receives more than one red card a year will be suspended as outlined below.

  1. Two red cards in a year = 3 game suspension
  2. Three red cards in a year = 8 game suspension
  3. Four red cards in a year = 1-year suspension

Teams will receive 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. The league champion will be determined by the winner of postseason play or the team with the most points. Any tie-breakers shall be determined in the following order:

  1. The team with the most points
  2. The team with the least forfeits
  3. The winner of any head-to-head league play
  4. Least Goals Allowed
  5. Most Goals Scored

If the teams tie in their playoff game, a 5-person penalty kick shootout will take place until a winner is determined.  

Award orders must be emailed to the SportsPlex within two weeks of the end of the session. The Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville will award various prizes to winning teams. Each First-Place team will receive either twelve medals, twelve t-shirts, or a 10% discount off the following session. If teams want additional trophies or t-shirts, they may purchase them from the SportsPlex.

FIFA Rules:
The Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville will follow FIFA rules for all situations not otherwise covered in these rules.

The intention to file a protest must be noted in writing immediately following the game. A formal written protest with a $20 fee (refundable if upheld), must be submitted to Michael & Son Sportsplex at Rockville within 48 hours after the end of a game. A league committee will review and have the final authority on all protests. ALL DECISIONS MADE BY THE COMMITTEE ARE FINAL. Only violations of the laws of the game, rules, or guidelines of the facility as published are matters for protest. Any protests regarding the fielding of illegal players must be brought to the attention of the game officials prior to the suspected player(s) leaving the field of play. Referee complaints must be submitted via email. 


6 v 6 League

$77 per player (Tax Included) 7 games 8 player minimum/ 12 max roster Roster must be set at a minimum of 8 paid players before your 1st game Referee fee of $12 per team per game
Ways To Register:

Create Your Team

If you want to captain a new team then click the “Create a New Team” registration button and pay the full $77 (tax included).  Next, have your players click the “Register With a New Team” button and add themselves to your team.  You will only be responsible for your fee.

Join Your Captains Team

If you are a player trying to join an already created team then click the “Register for a team,” button and select the team you want to join and pay your fee. Find a Team If you are not part of any teams and want to join our leagues then click “Individual” and register yourself. We will contact you

Winter Weather Policy

Due to such high volume in the winter, games canceled for weather will not be made up in the current session. Teams will be given credit for the spring season to make up for any missed games. Standings will remain as they are without the games being made up.
Individuals: $100- includes referee fees and Rockville City A&A tax When you sign up as a Free Agent we will keep you in our database until we find a spot for you. If we find an available spot, we will call you. Once you approve, you will be charged the full amount.
All leagues have start times of 7:00pm to 11:35pm


All players are required to know the E&B Indoor Soccer rules. Players will not be exempt from the rules because they did not know house policies. E&B Indoor Soccer is not responsible for making up games due to bad weather. Please note: Teams currently playing have priority for the upcoming leagues. All new teams will be placed on the wait list. Current teams will have up to the last regular season game to re-register. For Rules: Click Here


Teams are guaranteed 7 games

Referee Complaints

For comments about a game or a referee, please e-mail us at Please be sure to include the sport, game time and date, and details about the situation, as well as your full name and contact number or e-mail.

League Information

New 7 v 7 Friday Night Flag Football League!

League Starts April 8, 2022
7 games


All players are required to know the Rockville SportsPlex rules. Players will not be exempt from the rules because they did not know house policies. Please read rules here.

The SportsPlex is not responsible for making up games due to bad weather.

Memberships and Rosters

Effective June 1st, 2019

Adult League Players are required to:

  • All participants must purchase a Sportsplex membership
  • You will need to scan in to enter the facility and participate in your games.
  • Players are required to have his/her Player ID Card at every game.

Referee Complaints

For comments about a game or a referee, please e-mail us at Please be sure to include the sport, game time and date, and details about the situation, as well as your full name and contact number or e-mail.

SMG Waiver of Liability

Every participant must purchase a membership to enter any surface at the Sportsplex. Please click the link below to purchase a membership and complete a waiver. Agreement to the terms and conditions of our waiver is REQUIRED for facility participation. You will be asked to scan in when you arrive for your game.

422 SportsPlex Dek Hockey Programs

$145/8 weeks
Includes Membership/Building Pass Fee
Tuesdays: 5-5:50pm /6-6:50 pm

Lil Slap Shots Information

Our Lil’ Slap Shots Dek Hockey Program is an 8 week instructional program designed to introduce kids to the basics of Dek Hockey. Throughout the program kids will learn basic skills, terminology, and rules of the sport. Kids will enjoy learning and playing through games and instruction and meet others with the same interest.
Equipment Needed: Hockey Stick

Dek Hockey Information

Our Dek Hockey Program is an 8 week instructional program designed to introduce kids to the basics of Dek Hockey. Throughout the program kids will learn basic skills, terminology, and rules of the sport. Kids will enjoy learning and playing through games and instruction and meet others with the same interest.

Equipment Needed: Hockey Stick


Sibling Discount:

$10 on all sibling discounts, applicable to all youth programs
*Sibling discounts can only be applied over the phone or in person
Call 610-323-9600 or stop in to register.

SST Soccer Training
General Information

SST is a comprehensive training program focusing on proper fundamental soccer skills. The program follows a developmental framework that has been proven over the past 15 years. Our coaches work not only to show players proper form and technique, but also to educate for a better understanding of where, when, and why to apply the skills being taught.

Drills and games are played under varying degrees of pressure, allowing players to:

  • Master specific skills
  • Gain confidence
  • Be successful in his/hers athletic development

Topics of instruction include: dribbling, passing, shooting, first touch, decision making, combination play, defending, and many more individual and team skills. Parents and players will see definitive results as they progress through the SST curriculum.

Fill With Coach info

Check In

When you first come in the front door, please check at the front desk.   We will take you to your field of play at the start of your party.   Your room will be ready when your party finishes their time on the field.   If there is no one in the rooms prior to the start of your party, then you can occupy the space sooner.   We will have every thing set up for you.

Activity Leader

Every party will have someone on the field to help organize whatever game or activity your birthday child wishes to play, ensuring a fun time for everyone!

Party Changes

Any party surface, date, or time changes occurring within 3 weeks of the scheduled party date will result in forfeiture of the original $100 deposit, and a new deposit will be required. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Please call or text 301-366-6810 if you have questions or changes.

Reserve Early

With the high demand for field space at the facility, you should reserve your party as early as possible. Call E&B Indoor Soccer and check for available times.

  • A $100 non-refundable credit card deposit is required at the time of booking.  No party times will be reserved without this booking deposit.  
  • A 10% Rockville City Entertainment Tax will be added to the overall bill when full payment is made.
  • Full Payment is required on the date of the party.
  • We reserve the right to bill your credit card if full payment is not received at the end of the party.
  • Our parties are limited in size to 20 kids.  We do this because the quality of the party is diminished if there are too many kids trying to play an activity on our fields.  For example- if you have 24 kids it’s no fun to play 12 v 12 soccer.   It’s too crowded and the birthday child will get no attention.  It’s their day and they should be the center of everything!
  • If you do want a larger party than 20, you will have to book an additional field at our winter field rate.  You will also be charged an extra party room helper and activity leader for an additional cost of $100.

Please call or text 301-366-6810 if you have any questions about the above policies.

SMG Waiver of Liability

  • Party host and all guests are required to sign the waiver.
  • Waiver is available for guests to sign upon arrival at the party.

Please contact us with any questions at 301-366-6810

Fill With Coach info

Fill With Coach info

Fill With Coach info

Fill With Coach info

Fill With Coach info

Fill With Coach info

Fill With Coach info

6 v 6 League
$77 per player (Tax Included)
7 games
8 player minimum/ 12 max roster
Roster must be set at a minimum of 8 paid players before your 1st game
Referee fee of $12 per team per game
Ways To Register:
Create your team
If you want to captain a new team then click the “Create a New Team” registration button and pay the full $77 (tax included).  Next, have your players click the “Register With a New Team” button and add themselves to your team.  You will only be responsible for your fee.


Join Your Captain’s Team
If you are a player trying to join an already created team then click the “Register for a team,” button and select the team you want to join and pay your fee.

Find a Team
If you are not part of any teams and want to join our leagues then click “Individual” and register yourself. We will contact you

Winter Weather Policy 
Due to such high volume in the winter, games canceled for weather will not be made up in the current session. Teams will be given credit for the spring season to make up for any missed games. Standings will remain as they are without the games being made up.

Individuals: $100- includes referee fees and Rockville City A&A tax

When you sign up as a Free Agent we will keep you in our database until we find a spot for you. If we find an available spot, we will call you. Once you approve, you will be charged the full amount.

All leagues have start times of 7:00pm to 11:35pm


All players are required to know the E&B Indoor Soccer rules. Players will not be exempt from the rules because they did not know house policies.

E&B Indoor Soccer is not responsible for making up games due to bad weather.

Please note: Teams currently playing have priority for the upcoming leagues. All new teams will be placed on the wait list. Current teams will have up to the last regular season game to re-register.

For Rules: Click Here


Teams are guaranteed 7 games


Referee Complaints

For comments about a game or a referee, please e-mail us at Please be sure to include the sport, game time and date, and details about the situation, as well as your full name and contact number or e-mail.

Instructions for Rental Managers/Organizers

All participants of rentals are required to sign the new facility participation waiver.

Please contact the facility for instructions on how to set up your rental and send all participants a link to the sign the new waiver.


Rates apply to hours during the week from 9am to Midnight and all day during the weekends. Winter rates apply to all rentals during our camp and school day-off seasons and no discounts aside from what is already listed will be given.

Rental Rates are for individual activities or practice times for teams. It is prohibited to rent practice fields and run tournaments, camps, clinics or leagues without the specific permission of management. Prices will vary for these activities. Please call the facility for prices and availability at 301-838-4455.


Discounts given only for hours rented within the specific sessions. Hours do not have to be consecutive. All hours have to be booked in advance for discounts to apply. If you add additional hours after your contract has been executed you will not receive a discount. For example, if you book 8 hours on a soccer field in December and decide to rent an hour in February after you have completed your December contract, you will not receive the discounted rate. Full rates will apply.


If you rent four (4) hours or less, full payment is required at the time of the booking. If you rent more than four (4) hours, a 25% non-refundable deposit is required, with full payment owed at the time of the first rental.  If payment is not received on the first day of the rental, a $100 fine will be assessed and your rental contract can be terminated.

Cancelation Policy

All payments, including deposits are non-refundable. Customers must fill out and sign a cancellation form for any dates they want to cancel. It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain this form and deliver it to the Sportsplex.

Customers will be responsible for full payment of all rentals within sixty days from the date of cancellation.  Deposits are non-refundable even if time is resold.

If the facility is closed for any reason, customer shall receive a facility credit toward a future rental date. If no dates are available, customer shall receive a refund for only those dates in which the facility was closed.

Rental Increments & Setup Time

All times shall be rented on the hour, in one hour long increments.

Please include set-up time in your rental. Please note: it takes about five to ten minutes to set up a volleyball court. It is the responsibility of the customer to include set up in their rental, and to set up for their rental.

Please be courteous of others– when your time is completed, promptly leave the court or field of play so that the next rental can use the field. It is the responsibility of the customer to end their rental at the allotted time. Anyone who continues to practice or play after their time has been completed will be billed and may forfeit their rights to future rentals at the Sportsplex.


If your kid is already madly in love with soccer, you might have been looking at different soccer camps near Pottsville that you can send them to. Or, you might be trying to get your child into a sport, and for this reason you have decided to look at soccer camps to try and encourage them. Whatever the reason, the important thing is that you have now found us, and we can provide the children of the Phoenixville area with the very best soccer sessions! 

The Benefits Of Soccer Camps

Some parents do not see the point in sending their children to a camp dedicated to helping their child learn and develop their athletic skills. However, you will find that if you do decide to let your kid attend a camp near Collegeville, they are going to learn so much more than just how to play soccer. They will learn to develop the ability they already had to make them the best they could possibly be.

However, they will also get the opportunity to meet new friends that could last a lifetime. Developing their social skills and learning how to be part of a team is all part of the education that your kid will experience when they attend soccer camps. It doesn’t matter if you are in Gilbertsville, PA or Pottsville, because our service can cater to all children around these areas.

How To Get Started

If you are wondering how you would go about getting your child into one of our soccer camps, then you can find all the information that you are going to need right here! We run a variety of summer camps near Gilbertsville residents know and trust to provide the very best for their children. Or, alternatively you can contact us and we will be happy to give you all the information that you are looking for regarding toddler soccer near Collegeville, as well as all the other soccer camps that we run.

Fit And Fun

Our soccer camps don’t just provide you with the skills they need to excel in leagues. Instead, they ensure that your child is fit and healthy. Soccer involves plenty of running and works out the arms as well as the legs. If you’re looking to keep your kids fit even through the off-season our summer camps could be the perfect solution. This will provide a great introduction to this wonderful sport.

As well as keeping your child in optimum physical health, our soccer camps are also going to provide a good time for your children. Remember, if you’re not sure whether soccer is the right sport for your child, we also run multi-sports camps near Phoenixville. These provide a vast level of experience in all different sports so kids can find the choice for them. This includes everything from inline hockey to basketball so your child is certain to find the perfect match.

Click on the General Soccer tab above to register for our soccer camps.


If your kid is already madly in love with soccer, you might have been looking at different soccer camps near Pottsville that you can send them to. Or, you might be trying to get your child into a sport, and for this reason you have decided to look at soccer camps to try and encourage them. Whatever the reason, the important thing is that you have now found us, and we can provide the children of the Phoenixville area with the very best soccer sessions! 

The Benefits Of Soccer Camps

Some parents do not see the point in sending their children to a camp dedicated to helping their child learn and develop their athletic skills. However, you will find that if you do decide to let your kid attend a camp near Collegeville, they are going to learn so much more than just how to play soccer. They will learn to develop the ability they already had to make them the best they could possibly be.

However, they will also get the opportunity to meet new friends that could last a lifetime. Developing their social skills and learning how to be part of a team is all part of the education that your kid will experience when they attend soccer camps. It doesn’t matter if you are in Gilbertsville, PA or Pottsville, because our service can cater to all children around these areas.

How To Get Started

If you are wondering how you would go about getting your child into one of our soccer camps, then you can find all the information that you are going to need right here! We run a variety of summer camps near Gilbertsville residents know and trust to provide the very best for their children. Or, alternatively you can contact us and we will be happy to give you all the information that you are looking for regarding toddler soccer near Collegeville, as well as all the other soccer camps that we run.

Fit And Fun

Our soccer camps don’t just provide you with the skills they need to excel in leagues. Instead, they ensure that your child is fit and healthy. Soccer involves plenty of running and works out the arms as well as the legs. If you’re looking to keep your kids fit even through the off-season our summer camps could be the perfect solution. This will provide a great introduction to this wonderful sport.

As well as keeping your child in optimum physical health, our soccer camps are also going to provide a good time for your children. Remember, if you’re not sure whether soccer is the right sport for your child, we also run multi-sports camps near Phoenixville. These provide a vast level of experience in all different sports so kids can find the choice for them. This includes everything from inline hockey to basketball so your child is certain to find the perfect match.

Click on the General Soccer tab above to register for our soccer camps.

Bring your child to The Michael & Son Sportsplex At Rockville for a week of fun this summer. If your child enjoys sports or wants to try new sports, this is the camp for you. Your child will have a week of fun, learning and playing sports that might include flag football, soccer, wiffleball, volleyball, basketball, kickball, team handball and others.


While there’s nothing wrong with children having a favorite sport, experiencing a range of activities is the best way to grow on and off the playing field. Allow your kids to develop a love of sports that they may not usually play, and it can lead to truly great things. Sports camps are the ultimate way to do it.

Your child will have a week of fun, learning and playing sports that might include flag football, soccer, wiffleball, volleyball, basketball, kickball, team handball, and others. However, kids with a clear favorite can enjoy basketball camps or soccer camps until 2 PM before switching to the multi-sports camps in the afternoon. This provides the best of both worlds.

Either way, our summer camps provide truly incredible experiences for boys and girls of all ages. In addition to the fun, the professional coaching they receive is sure to turn them into better players across a host of different sports. What more could anyone ask for?


Our multi-sports camps do focus on helping children develop skills in an array of different sports. However, it’s more than just a game. As such, we go the extra mile to push children to develop key social skills including communication and leadership. The rewards of doing this extend far beyond sport alone.

Our multi-sports camps are the perfect place for youngster across Germantown, MD, Rockville, MD, Bethesda, MD, Columbia, and Clarksburg to build on existing friendships and create new ones in the process. Our multi-sports camps truly do provide the comprehensive life experiences that your child will cherish.

No wonder we’re a hit with players and parents alike.

Health History and Immunization Form Here
We have a no refund policy